FOOD HABITS and health   Related Problems

Let's Talk about Food which is one of the Most Common Topics . As we all know well FOOD is a necessity without Which no living being can exist . Living in a Modern Generation we find many having a Crave for Junk foods example Chats, burgers, Fries, pizza and many more which are likely to have many disadvantages. 

OBESITY  is one of the major problem resulting to Health . Obesity is one of the cause of eating Unhealthy and Junk food . Obese people know the stereotype : slow, lazy and undisciplined.

When imagining a vast U.S national   experiment to encourage weight gain, Harold Goldstein in his words said “ We put fast food on every corner, we put junk food in our schools, we got rid of physical education classes, we put on Candy and soda at the checkout stand of every retail outletyou can think of. The results are in. It worked”
JUNK FOOD is often high in Calories, sugar, fat and low in nutrients . Junk food often results in Weight gain, Tooth decay, Gastrointestinal problems etc. Studies have revealed that at the age of 30’s arteries lead to Clogging and then Heart attack.

In Order to prevent your Body from such ill effects, Healthy Food habits and exercise is a MUST! 